The Value of Friendship and Personal Connection in Business Leadership
As entrepreneurs, we spend the lion’s share of our time building infrastructure and processes,

Biz Life Happiness: Why There Is No Room for Balance in Business Ownership
Business owners are forever harried, hurried, and hustling. It's just a fact. Instead of any

Are You Getting in Your Own Way of Business Success and Personal Happiness?
Think back to the early days of launching your business. In all likeliness, you were the Chief

Business Leadership and Change Management Can Be a Bear
I am not a big watcher of television. But a few weeks ago, my partner and I were both quarantined

Signs That Your Organization Is in Need of Strategic Business Transformation
Every business has its challenges, however, sometimes issues become so entrenched that they fly

Stay Ahead: Strive For Organizational Adaptability
As we touched on in our last post, the fourth industrial revolution is upon us. As a leader in your

Understanding Your Leadership Style
As a business advisor in Denver, I have the privilege of working with leaders across a wide range of

Stamp Out Entitlement Culture in Your Business
Entitlement culture is one of the more insidious problems facing many businesses today. It has

What an Executive Coach Does and Doesn’t Do
We often hear about how executive coaching can dramatically improve leadership. It’s an incredibly