More Than a Budget – You Need a Profit Plan
A “budget” is one of the most basic and necessary financial tools we have for managing business

Where Is the Fire: Improving Your Business Finances
In my years of business consulting, coaching and mentoring, one of the first things I address with

Financial Intelligence – Getting it Right!
I think we can all agree that having good financial intelligence is crucial to the success of your

Take Control of Your Cash Flow with Forecasting
Cash is the fuel for your business – you can’t operate without it! Cash flow forecasting is by far

Wish You Had More Money?
Want more money in your company? News flash! Wishing and hoping won’t get you there. First and

The Brain Game: Changing Your Thoughts and Beliefs about Money
What comes to mind when you think about money? For many business owners, money is like a four-letter

Surprising Small Business Tax Credits and your CPA
Here are a few small business tax credits that might not have crossed your desk yet:

What you need to know about the Cadillac Tax
Something’s on my mind.
During The Alternative Board’s BizSense with Blair™ recent panel

You’re invited! Get the Facts You Need About Obamacare and Your Small Business
If you own a small business, chances are Obamacare has affected you - and there will be more impact