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We have all read about the various ways business owners should manage their time, like prioritizing activities, blocking off important and urgent meetings and utilizing various calendaring tools. All because our time is so incredibly valuable.
So why then, with all the information out there, do we still struggle with Time Management? Simple. Because even those with the very best intentions never actually implement any of these great Time Management tips! Even those who are quite diligent in other aspects of their business, often don’t follow the processes or use the tools they know are critical to effectively managing their time.
How many folks do you know (maybe you are one of them) who purchased an exercise bike, joined a club or bought a diet book with the best of all intentions – and yet, there they sit, unused. The reason for this idleness usually has more to do with the lack of planning the time to engage rather than the lack of desire to do so.
Imagine what life would look like were you to truly manage your time. Visualize a better, more streamlined road map to success; envision more money, better quality activities with your loved ones and perhaps even the opportunity for a little travel or some golf.
What gets in the way of smart, effective Time Management? Well, sort of everything. For you, maybe it is emails, phone calls, urgent requests from clients or employees; all those little — and sometimes big — things that clutter our brains while consuming our day. Then we tend to make excuses or rationalizations when things get messy or just don’t get done.
What’s the key to better Time Management and ultimately a more fruitful business? Simple. Start by analyzing those excuses you make to yourself and do a little soul searching to determine why you are using them as a crutch. Then reflect on the negative consequences of continuing those negative default actions, not just for you, your team and your business, but also for others impacted by your lack of disciplined Time Management.
If you don’t already have one, do yourself a favor and commit to a Time Management plan — and then stick to it. Modeling this behavior to those around you both reinforces your own discipline and garners the respect of others. And it is just smart business.
By Bob Dodge